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Sea Turtle Preserve in Baja- A Helping Hand for Hatchlings
While some travelers toast with tequila in the tourist mecca of Cabo San Lucas, others are nearby tracking for turtles along a protected stretch of wondrous, wild coast. Every night from June to October, humans patrol these Baja beaches to dig up freshly laid turtle eggs and then rebury them in a safer nursery. Weeks later hatchlings emerge from their eggs, away from predators. Volunteers, school kids and scientists can then "release" the babies into the sea. Coming soon -- an eco-article on how you can lend a helping hand to a cycle of nature that has survived millions of years and is now threatened. Photos by L Sonne below are of Olive Ridely turtles, October, 2008, ASUPMATOMA program.

World Tourist Bureau -- Currently Featuring...

Continents:.... Africa....Asia.....Australia....Europe....North America....South America
Themes:.......................EST of Travel........Islands............... Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
Alternative Travel:.... ..Outer Space..........Underwater...........